May 19


Are There Any Disadvantages In Using Social Bookmarking To Market My Business?

By Brad Hauck

May 19, 2009

You have heard that social bookmarking can be used to market your online business. You may also know that there are some big advantages to using social bookmarking to market your business. In marketing, there are always good things bad things that go along with each strategy. Are there any disadvantages in using social bookmarking to market your business?

There is one large disadvantage to social bookmarking when it comes to marketing your business. This disadvantage comes from the fact that there is no mandatory structuring when it comes to tags keywords. What does this mean? It means that websites can be incorrectly categorized, words can be misspelled put in all caps when there is no reason to so on. Users of social bookmarking sites have the power to tag sites however they would like. Many Internet users take websites with words that have personal meanings rather than factual meanings. This can lead to confusion when other social bookmarking users are searching for things what they are finding through tags are not really what they are looking for.

Social bookmarking sites have recognized that there is a tagging problem though they are working hard to correct these issues. Many social bookmarking websites are creating more accurate tagging systems so that this problem does not continue to live on.

Another slight disadvantage is that some social bookmarking sites which rank websites only rank stories content. While this works well for someone who has a lot of content on their website, it may not work as well with websites that have little content such as those who sell products with very short descriptions.

When it comes down to it though, the disadvantages of using social bookmarking to market your business are too few to really worry about. Social bookmarking is a great way to market your website your business. Marketing websites through social bookmarking is a trend that is going to continue to grow.

Brad Hauck

About the author

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