May 22


How Easy Is It To Market My Business On Twitter?

By Brad Hauck

May 22, 2009

If you own a business, there are certain parts of running a business that are easier than others. While some business owners hire professionals to handle certain aspects of their business, others feel more comfortable doing everything themselves including marketing. You have heard that marketing your business on social networking websites can be an excellent way to market your business. You may have also heard that using social networking sites such as Twitter is free you are looking to cut down on costs. You are concerned however about the usability of marketing your business on Twitter. So how easy is it to market your business on Twitter?

Twitter is a very simple website to use most social networking users agree that it is even easier to use than websites such as Myspace Facebook. Twitter has far less distracting applications such as glittery images, quizzes games. Twitter also does not include being bogged down with other users images quiz results. Due to all of this, it is much easier to concentrate on marketing your business while on Twitter. That is not to say that you can never become distracted, but there is going to be less instances of it happening when there are not as many non business things going on.

Setting up an account on Twitter is very easy it only takes a few minutes to accomplish. Matter of fact, I just created a new Twitter account in under thirty seconds. This includes typing in my name, password, email importing all of my email contacts so that Twitter can find the people you know contact the most for you. Its really that simple.

Once your account is set up, just start typing what you would like to share hitting update. You can only enter up to 140 characters so you will never feel overwhelmed about writing a lengthy piece of content because its not needed. Twitter will also suggest people for you to follow as well if you are not sure where to start. Of course the best way to start though is with the people customers you already know.

If you ever need any help, there is always help available through the help link on Twitter. The site is so easy to use though that you will probably never finding yourself using the help link even if you are not familiar with social networking websites.

Brad Hauck

About the author

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